Thursday, February 16, 2012

Valentine's Day

I love Love Day.

We put streamers in the kid's doorways the night before and hung heart love notes from them. We wrote about the things we love about each child. And we included candy. As you can see, Molly enjoyed the candy...

Pink heart pancakes for breakfast...

A sweet valentine for my sweet man...

And you can use it like a white board. We've been writing sweet love notes back and forth (cue the "Awwww.")

Helping with Sam's class Valentine's party...

Yay! One of the kids shared a sucker with Molly. Lucky girl!

Our family Valentine's Party included heart pizzas, pink punch and cards for each other...

And a heart cake...

Zoe had been planning on this Love Party for almost a month! 

Yep. I love that Love Day.

1 comment:

  1. You are so good to do stuff for your family for Valentine's Day. We seriously do nothing. But I like your ideas. Maybe I'll get my rear in gear and get a little more festive for my family!

    Is the message board just a picture frame with fabric inside? I love that idea!
