Monday, February 20, 2012

A Puddle Walk

I took Molly for a walk today.

We found puddles.

And more puddles.

And then a really big puddle.

We stepped in snow.

And more puddles.

Then Daddy drove by.

Molly said, "Daddy!"

She wanted to walk home.

And the fastest way to get there, of course, is through more puddles.

Her daddy found a sled, popped her inside and pulled her around the yard.

Our walk took us about a half a block from home.

But it was still perfect.

1 comment:

  1. That is one really cute monkey! What is it with kids and puddles anyway? I have to steer my kids around them, especially when they are wearing regular shoes. They don't care if their socks and shoes and feet are soaking wet!
