Saturday, January 7, 2012

Ack! There's a Monster Eating my Head! {A Carnivorous Hat}

My oldest son, Weston had been eyeing all the funky winter hats. He especially liked the ones with ear flaps and the strings or braids hanging down with pom-poms.

Well, I aim to please! Coming up with a handmade gift to make him for Christmas was easy peasy.

I flew by the seat of my pants with this child-eating hat though. No one was more surprised than me when it actually turned out so good!

First I found a printable pattern for a hat with ear flaps (sorry! I can't remember where I found it....I was in the haze of holiday midnight crafting...) I cut the hat from a fifty cent sweater....yep, that's right. 50 cents!! I know. So cool. And, boy it was a pretty ugly one. I think the sweater is much happier being reincarnated into a hungry monster hat.

So, after I had the lining and outer hat pieces cut out, I added a row of fleece teeth and stuffed striped knit horns.

I braided three strips of fabric....two strips of the striped knit and one strip of green fleece and sewed those in before I put in the lining. Once it was all put together I added the eyes and the fleece pom pom to the top.  For the pom poms on the braids I unraveled the sweater. look a bit too happy for one who is getting their head eaten though, dontcha think?

Ok. There's a little more terror. Thank you. (This shot was taken right after he opened it on Christmas like afternoon by the time we got home from church and back to the opening of presents! :)

Hmmmmm....we took a lot of pictures, didn't we? Well. We were having fun....

Oh my. This boy is so much fun. He didn't want me getting his jammies in the pictures at first. But then he decided he didn't care.

While making this hat, I had to plop it on my head every so often and race to a mirror. Then I'd giggle in happy anticipation of Weston opening it. And, boy....that was an awesome moment. He was THRILLED! That monster, Floyd (as Weston named him) perched on his head for probably three days straight. 


  1. That is an amazing creation! I love it and I love how you just dig in and do it - no time wasted by being intimidated. It looks perfect on Weston!

  2. I love it! You inspire me. I'll bet Riley would love one...I'll have to start thinking. Thanks for the ideas. I revamped a pair of her cute jeans that got too short, using an even shorter/older pair and they turned out pretty cute...not Erin or Sundi cute, but they'll do and Riley likes them. In the past they would have been handed down and gone!! I'm beginning to think first with some of my favs because of you!

    1. I'm so glad you're inspired by my crazy creations, Chanda! And that's funny you say that....because I'm inspired by all of the fun clothes you make for Riley! You are so talented at putting fabrics together and coming up with cute outfits for her.

  3. I LOVE IT! My boys need this! Totally going to pin it to pinterest! Thanks!

    You should join me for "Handmade 52"

  4. Cuteness! To heck with the kids. I'm making one for myself!

  5. This is so cute!!! I am a new follower! Found you on Sumo's Sweet Stuff, hope you have a great week!

    1. Thank you! I'm glad you'll be hanging out with me. :)

  6. Oh my goodness. Cutest monster ever!

  7. You know how I love this hat! Mind if I feature it?

  8. P.S. Why is your blog saying I haven't posted in 4 weeks? weird.

  9. This is so cute! thanks for linking up

  10. Good god..I wish I saw this three days ago! We never need hats like that here in Hawaii, but we go to COLD this weekend, and I am out of time for crafting this kind of hat that ds would DIE for!!! :D

  11. You should come by on Friday over to Handmade 52 @ RaisingOranges, you're going to be featured!!!

  12. Красива шапка, много интересна идея. Браво.

    1. I wish I knew how to translate that! I wish I knew what language it was....


    2. You can go to google translator and it says "Beautiful hat, lots of interesting idea. Bravo." It was Russian!

      Love the hat, I have a teenager who would love one. Off to DI for an ugly sweater!

  13. Thank you so much for sharing this last week on Thingamajig Thursday! Hope to see you again this week!


    PS - You were featured on this weeks post!

  14. I can't get over the look on your son's face. He's actually happy to have his picture taken. Lots of times. That is the essence of success, right there, my friend.

    1. LOL! Yep. He's a ham. In fact....all of my kids are. They must get it from Ryan, right? :)

  15. oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh I can't believe you made that! it turned out perfect. you did such a great job with all of the details! thank you so much for sharing how you did everything!!!!
    Jaime from crafty scrappy happy

  16. I love your blog- have just discovered it and am hooked! This hat post is such fun, thank you so much for sharing it!
    I host a weekly linky and would love it if you popped over and linked this post! It would be great to introduce your blog to my readership! Seasonal Celebration Linky Thank you :-). Rebecca x
