Monday, September 19, 2011

Easy Patchwork Top and T-shirt Leggings

I sewed up this super easy patchwork top as a dress for my smallest monkey a few months ago.  I tried using really wide elastic in the top casing. I thought it was a good idea made it too bulky for her small body. In fact, it looked just a wee bit strange on her. And it was way too long, too.  I have such a problem with getting the length right with dresses for my babies!

So, it's become a top for my older girl. And she was thrilled! The wider elastic doesn't seem too big on her. And she looks pretty darn cute in it, right? I especially like her choice of pink boots to complete the ensemble.

Her super crazy simple leggings are made from an upcycled t-shirt. I cut them out so the bottom of the pattern is lined up with the hem of the t-shirt. And then I don't have to hem the leggings. So incredibly easy. And I didn't even have to buy a pattern since I made one from a pair of leggings she already had. She has a bunch of these in fun stripes. I'm always on the look out for fun tees to upcycle into leggings.

I need to make some more of these for her and I'm thinking of putting a tutorial together. If you're interested, let me know. I'm more likely to do it if there are actual readers who want me to!

I've also jumped on the cute ruffley pants train. I've got to finish a few up and I'll post pictures soon. They're so fun!


  1. Oh my goodness!! I think you have a model on your hands!! WOW!! I totally have some super wide elastic laying around that I never ended using (wow, big surprise). I'm doing this! BTW wanna hit up the coupon comotion at Joann's with me this week?

  2. Ok, I am in need of leggins for my girls, and need to know how you made those! I am not a seamstress but you said they were easy, so I am hoping I can do this. Can you explain it or do a tutorial on those cute leggins????
    Dress is WAY cute too, but like I said, not a seamstress, and I wouldn't even dare attempt that! lol :)

  3. Super cute!!! I love the wide elastic idea! Will have to remember that one :) Thanks for sharing.

  4. So cute! Of course I'd love a tutorial!
