Pink and ruffly and twirly and So. Much. Fun. Yep, that describes this skirt perfectly.
I made this skirt for Zoe about a year and half ago.....
Oh! Look at her. She's so small! I found the tutorial for this fabulous fluffy skirt at Made by Bronwyn. And while it did take a fair amount of time ruffly all that wonderful chiffon fabric, it was pretty easy. And so worth it.
Wouldn't this make such a fun Christmas gift for a little girly girl?
It's so cute watching Zoe wear this skirt.
She can't help swishing around as she walks.
And, of course, it's great for twirling.
I had to include this last shot.
Do you think this pose will catch on with other models?
Oh it's already catching on and I'm not even a model! ;) I'm glad to see you revisiting old projects. I love this skirt!