*I refinished a desk. It's now all antiqued and turquoisy. It turned out beeeee-UTE-ifully! And I love it.
*I'm trying to get the revisions done on my picture book so I can send it back to the editor and then bite all my nails down to the quick.
*I'm hoping to get my kids to do a lot of work around the house tomorrow by bribing...er...I mean....ENCOURAGING them with a Surprised Family Date planned for tomorrow night. (shhhh! Don't tell! We're going to a magic show)
*I've now lost 19 pounds. :)
*I'm wishing I was getting work done on revising my MG novel. But I'm stuck at this spot. I need to figure out how to get them through a door. But should the snarky Sea Witch trick them or should it be their idea? Sticky. Sticky.
*I need to post pictures of Sam's birthday, Ryan's birthday, our trip up north for John and Alysha's sweet baby's blessing and maybe even of my fancy dresses and swanky heels I found for the dressy dinners in New York when I went shopping with my Awesome Sister, Candace. :) Boy, that girl has excellent taste.
*I need to sew new elastic on some skirts for this sweet older lady that walks by my house.
*My kids are already worried about me being gone to New York. My 7 year old really wishes I'd just take him with me. He's such a snuggly guy. It's going to be hard to be gone.
*I'm going to go try out one of those spray on tans tomorrow. Cross your fingers for me that I don't turn orange.
*Here's a random shot of sweet goofy Zoe...

You are amazing!! Look at all the great things you are doing. And way to go on losing 19 lbs! I'm so impressed. You'll have to let me know what you're doing ;) Have so much fun in New York. Oh and PS I want you to post pictures of your fancy dresses.
ReplyDeleteHi Erin! This is my first time on your blog! I didn't know you had one. I knew you were on facebook..but I'm SO happy to find you in the blogging world as well! Ok, so I LOVE your family! Can I just say that again?....I just LOVE you family! You guys are so cute! Jay and I really want to get together over dinner along with all our kids and just hear about all your exciting adventure
ReplyDeleteI love your random bits. That's a great way to catch up!