#1: Our family has seen the flu, a nasty cold and, most recently, pink eye. This is what I get for telling someone a week ago that none of our kids have had pink eye. Emmett got it first last Friday. And then Molly came down with it Sunday. I'm expecting to have goopy eyes any day now.
#2: One of our sons, who will remain nameless because he didn't want me to post about this, made this confession last night...
"Mom, I wanted to catch pink eye so I didn't have to go to school so I licked Molly's leftover banana."
Yes. I couldn't help it. I started giggling.
He'll probably wake up with pink eye on Saturday morning and then be find to return to school by Monday.
#3: Molly doesn't like me to get her dressed lately. On Sunday I asked her what she wanted to wear. She ended up in three skirts and a clashing purple tunic. It was a lovely look. I wanted to get a picture, but she wasn't being cooperative. At all.
#4: We were reading scriptures the other night and Ryan read the phrase, "a great noise" which was followed by the sound of one of the boys passing gas. Needless to say, this was followed by another great noise...loads of laughing!
#5: We had to zip to St. George yesterday to sign some papers for our refinancing. The girls came with us and the boys were in school. My parents took us out to lunch at Golden Corral. Zoe tried and liked fried okra. She said they tasted like popcorn chicken. Ok. Really? I don't think so. I've tried fried okra and...um....
Seeing grandma and grandpa was the highlight for Zoe. Also, the chocolate fountain...
And Molly was excited about the corn. She is nuts about corn.
#6: Sam's teacher made him Author of the Week for doing such a great job on the story he wrote. How cool is that? I'll have to share his story when he brings it home. It is all kinds of awesome.
#7: We took the kids through the luxury car wash Saturday night, called the Color Wash. I'd gotten some half off vouchers. It was amazing just how entertaining that car wash was. Seriously. I think they'd want to do that everyday if they could. I loved it.
#8: On the way to St. George I bounced some magical world-building ideas off of Ryan. He said, "And why don't you think this will sell?" He's the best. It's crazy amazing how he believes in this book-writing dream of mine. I sure do love that handsome cowboy of mine.
#9: Grandma Margaret left a pack of Special Grandma Juice on our front porch when we were gone Saturday night. She said if we all drank one, we wouldn't get sick the rest of the year. The kids were very excited about their special juice. Now let's hope it works!
#10: Weston is getting tall. And I mean....Tall. With a capitol T. How did that happen? Some days, I still feel like a little girl myself. How do I have this cute grown up kid walking around my house calling me mom? I don't know. But I love it.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Look! Sam is famous!

I expect the news crew any minute.
Two of my ideas appeared in Disney's Family Fun Magazine this month. And how cool is it that they used a picture of cute Sam modeling his own Pet Rock Monster Necklace?
I told him he could take one of my copies of the magazine to show his class, but he said, "I'd be kind of embarrassed."
Wha? You don't want to show your class how awesomely awesome you are? Ok. Whatev.
ETA: He decided he wanted to show everyone. :)
They also used my idea for these fun and easy toilet paper tube robots...
Cute, right?
Monday, February 20, 2012
A Puddle Walk
I took Molly for a walk today.
We found puddles.
And more puddles.
And then a really big puddle.
We stepped in snow.
And more puddles.
Then Daddy drove by.
Molly said, "Daddy!"
She wanted to walk home.
And the fastest way to get there, of course, is through more puddles.
Her daddy found a sled, popped her inside and pulled her around the yard.
Our walk took us about a half a block from home.
But it was still perfect.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Valentine's Day
I love Love Day.
We put streamers in the kid's doorways the night before and hung heart love notes from them. We wrote about the things we love about each child. And we included candy. As you can see, Molly enjoyed the candy...
Pink heart pancakes for breakfast...
A sweet valentine for my sweet man...
And you can use it like a white board. We've been writing sweet love notes back and forth (cue the "Awwww.")
Helping with Sam's class Valentine's party...
Yay! One of the kids shared a sucker with Molly. Lucky girl!
Our family Valentine's Party included heart pizzas, pink punch and cards for each other...
And a heart cake...
Zoe had been planning on this Love Party for almost a month!
Yep. I love that Love Day.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Hot Valentine's Date
And me
Saturday, February 11, 2012
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